Play multiple types of crude oils and the more than more than 100 kinds according to the types of oils guide issued by Petroleum Intelligence Ontagans Petroleum Corporation annually. To stand up to these species, and how to classify, and where it stands Arab oils them, we'll show the following: (1) classification of crude oils based on a hydrocarbon source is divided fossil energy sources Fossil Fuel to the following three items: gas: a natural gas. Questioner: It includes two groups: traditional oils group, which consists of associated gas, crude oil, and heavy oil. o non-conventional oils group, made up of very heavy oil (or bitumen Bitumen) extracted from tar sands Sand Tar. Steel: includes coal Coal, Oil Shale Shale Oil (2) Classification on the basis of the degree of density API classifies crude oils as a measure depends on the degree of intensity, according to the standard set by the American Petroleum Institute (American Petroleum Institute- API) in the form of light, medium main groups and heavy. Classification of hand may differ to the other, while classified as heavy oils in some European countries within the domain 20 - 10 API OPEC countries classified as all oils that degree of intensity for less than 32 .API The classification of oils on the basis of density is a mirror of the content of the oil from the high petroleum products value. The higher density of oil rose to a standard API, light products were higher, while increasing the proportion of heavy products and reduced the proportion of light products, the lower the density. It also has added another set of oils to measure density, called the name of a very light oils, with equal intensity 50̊ API or more (such as oil is very light-Arab - Arab super light), which is produced in Saudi Arabia. (3) classification on the basis of density and sulfur content, and some studies suggest that the greater the degree API oil rose density decreases the content of sulfur compounds. Although the nature of the relationship between the density API and sulfur content varies from one geographical area to another, it does not exist in the world crudes high density API (above the light), and at the same time a high sulfur content, while no return, but relatively few, crudes low-density and low sulfur content at the same time. For example, the sulfur content of the Arab light crude oil is 1.78%, and light Iranian 1.5%, while the sulfur content of light oil Bonnie Nigerian 0.14% light of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani 1.16%; this added to some sources, is another factor to measure the density of an indication of the qualitative characteristics, is the sulfur content of crudes level . In the Arab region's markets crude oils are classified as follows: Arabic light Excellent Arab Supper Light (higher than 40 API) Arabic very mild Arab Extra Light (40 - 36 API) Arabic mild Arab Light (36 - 32 API) Arabic average Arab Medium (32 - 29 API) Arabic heavy Arab Heavy (less than 29 API) and with the passage of time labels on certain types launched, has become familiar in the world oil markets, such as the Saudi Arabian light crude oil (34.0 API), and oil Iraqi Basra Light (33.7 API), and Iranian Oil light (33.1 API), and Nigerian Bonny Light oil (35.4 API), and Tiajuana light Venezuelan (31.9 API), and light-Azerbaijani Azeri oil (35.1 API) Saudi Arab and Mediterranean oil (31.8 API). Saudi Arabian and heavy oil (28.7 API), Iranian and heavy oil (30.2 API), and Venezuelan heavy oil Tiajuana (11.0 API). (4) the types of crude oils in the member countries of the Organization of OAPEC * characterized the bulk of the production of crude oils in the member countries of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) of medium density species, and high sulfur content (acidic). Member countries on the production has been distributed as follows: 61.4% of the average density type and 36.7% of the type of light and 1.8% of the sweatshirt. As for the distribution of production by sulfur content was acidic crude oil form (which increases the content of sulfur for - or Isawi- 1%) percentage of 74.2%, and then came in second place, sweet oil (less than 0.5% sulfur) by 18.7%, and finally the medium quality acidity (Up / or equal to 0.5% and less than 1%) by 7.1%. As for the types of crude oils produced distribution in member countries has been the most part - the product in the Middle East - from medium quality acidic, reaching ratio to 82% in Saudi Arabia, and 97.6% in Kuwait, and 100% in the Kingdom of Bahrain and 100% in the Republic of Iraq and 52% in the United Arab Emirates, and 82% in the Arab Republic of Egypt. As for the countries of the members of the North Africa, the bulk of the production is the kind of light and sweet, where those types accounted for 100% of the production ratio of Algeria, and 95% of the production of Libya. While Tunisia produces small amounts of acid type. This varies the production of member countries in terms of the degree of intensity, some of which form the light oils full production, such as Algeria, some of which form the medium / heavy oils full production, such as Kuwait, while there are other countries produce the types and different rates, such as Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and other Arab countries oil producers, such as Oman and Yemen, constitute the acidic medium quality ratio majority of its production. While Sudan constitutes the entire production of medium density oil sweet. (5) the future prospects for the production of crude oils in member countries prospective studies indicate that the source of the bulk of any future increase in the production of heavy oils and acid will be from member countries with high reserves, particularly Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and the UAE, which are heavy quality and medium / acid ratio of 78.3% of the total current production. In spite of the new discoveries announced between now and then of light oils in some countries in the region, but it is still limited compared to their ever-growing medium / acid oils. According to the theorists of energy is expected to be the future demand is increasing the types of crude oils and light sweet at a higher rate of heavy types of acid, which will lead to a rise in the price difference between the two species, due to the increasing growth in global demand for derivatives Cleaner rate, as well as most of the world's refineries are designed to refining Light, sweet crudes, due to the ease of refining and contain a higher proportion of light desired derivatives in global markets. In spite of the presence of significant investment projects in the refining industry to refine heavy and acid oils, but most of them need to be a long period of time until production begins, more than five years, which demand will strengthen in this period oils light sweet that do not need their products to address the hydrogen operations deep, and thus will decrease the demand for heavy oils. We conclude from the above that with member countries in OAPEC many catalysts for refining heavy and medium crudes acid through the development of existing refineries in or create new refineries, and most important of these stimuli as follows: availability of heavy crude oils locally in most member countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria). take advantage of the high price differential between heavy and light oils in global markets, and export of light instead of refined locally. meet the growing demand for petroleum products and light, and at the same time reduced demand for heavy derivatives, as oil fuel, since the establishment of units to improve the distillation residue characteristics contribute to the production of these derivatives with high quality specifications. provide advanced technologies enable this difficult refining oils in a way that could lead to the high profitability of the refineries. * Note countries and the Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting founded (OAPEC) in 1968 in the State of Kuwait, and includes in its membership the day 10 countries, including oil countries and (gas) giant - as is the case in most of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as well as less important countries (Syria) . The following Member States, respectively: all of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya and Egypt. Disclaimer: The reader can expand in the folds of Thread by standing on the following references: • Dr. Ahmed Hussein al-Hiti, Introduction to the oil economy, the house model for printing and publishing, Beirut, 2011. • Journal of Oil and Arab Cooperation, patrol Court issued by the General Secretariat of the Organization of Arab countries Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), various issues. -
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