What is shale oil?

Stimulated the idea of ​​prosperity shale oil, OPEC, the most powerful organization in the world, Chen distress call, despite repeated news on countless media, without analysts over the past few weeks, the idea that the confrontation raging between the Arabs and the Senate shale oil to control the pace of supply Global oil for a couple of reasons for value, where the Saudi leaders seeking to keep pace pumping OPEC oil as a direct blow from Riyadh to Grimaha Djiossiasien chained, Russia and Iran, who are playing in support of the Syrian dictator, "Bashar al-Assad" In your neighborhood several machinations geostrategic region, which has become a blatant threat Saudi security than the competition posed to gain global market with American prospectors.

Saudi Arabia also cut down the price of oil, Russia and Iran are negatively affected, and some US officials declared that Saudi Arabia age service of the United States, while also losing a lot of American companies to explore for oil shale.

These paragraphs that contain a lot of economics, geography, political geography terms, often repeated in numerous newspaper articles and news agencies, without any scientific details of what is or how shale oil is extracted and production, this article is an introduction to it.

Many researchers and oil analyst believes that we have reached a point at which decreased the amount available from conventional oil all over the world, and this so-called peak oil, because oil is a resource that is renewed, a genuine limited supply, but this idea is not agreed upon by everyone, Some still believed that we are still far from reaching this peak a century or more, on the grounds that we are greatly rely on technology that operates petroleum products, the search began in earnest for unconventional crude oil sources, has been shown that there is one of the most promising reserves of oil that has not been commercially exploited yet, a shale oil, which is basically the oil that is found within the solid rock.
About a hundred million years ago, a wide swath of the sea the North American continent separated into East and West in two parts, with a lower sea levels, fell this marine segment, leaving sailors internal and pastures fertile, also led to the death of organisms that lived with them and turned into fossils fossilized, and after millions of years, resulting in exposure of these residues to high temperatures and pressure of gravity, to the transformation of the oil, but the circumstances that led to the creation of liquid petroleum in other parts of the world, were not available in this region, which led to the formation of shale oil (non-liquid ), which can be considered similar to crude oil, liquid at all stages of its formation, except for the last part, which turns it into a liquid, so it is up to the scientists of energy so that they can end the process.

Considers shale oil extraction process similar to the process of extracting the liquid oil, in the process of oil extraction of oil come to the surface as a result of pressure gases, after being alleviate this pressure, the second phase begins, and the third, which is more difficult in oil exploration, in some cases, is pumped water to ease the oil pressure, and in some other cases, the introduction of gas to re-pressure oil chamber, and in many cases, leaving the remaining oil to be extracted in the future when there are more advanced equipment, but the extraction of crude oil from the rock is more difficult, where you must exploration shale drilling underground or mined surface, as that after drilling, must be subjected shale oil distillation, and this process involves exposing the rock extracted to the pyrolysis process, any application severe the heat without the presence of oxygen, resulting in a chemical change, as it is between the temperature 650 and 700 ° F, kerogen - fossil fuel inside the rocks - gonorrhea begins and separated from the rock, and then can be refining that article resulting oil like to produce more synthetic crude oil, and is worth mentioning that the shale oil extraction process and treatment above the Earth's surface, called the distillation process surface.

The problem is that this process adds two steps additional conventional extraction process which liquid oil pump is simply the ground, in addition to mining, there is also a process of distillation and refining of kerogen to produce synthetic crude oil, and shale oil extraction poses also environmental challenges, as the production one barrel of oil shale liquid requires the use of two barrels of water, and without the development of technology for water treatment, water resulting from oil refining rock will increase ocean salinity; which will lead to poisoning the surrounding local areas, as there are other problem is the rocks, where Every barrel of oil produced from oil shale produces about 1.5 tons of rocks, and despite the fact that there are projects require the use of free rock (rubble), but the demand for this article may not be compatible with the show, the fact that supply will exceed demand for sure.

Offered oil company Royal Dutch Shell (Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company) solution to some of the problems that can result from shale oil refining, the company calls this solution the conversion process at the site (ICP), where such a plan to keep the rock place, instead of extracting the rocks from the site and processed, are drilling holes in rocks that contain oil reserves, and is lowered thermal heaters in the ground, and after two or more years, will begin the rock temperature that contains oil to rise slowly, and begins kerogen to leak out, and after this oil is collecting output at the site and pumped to the surface, and thus can be dispensed from the extraction of rocks from the earth process, and reduce the costs that can be disbursed, as Shell design also features a wall of freezing, which is basically a barrier is placed around the oil shale site where they are pumping cryogenic fluids in the subsoil the earth, and works of this wall to freeze any ground water can enter the site and prevents harmful substances such as hydrocarbons from the spill.

Because of the obstacles that still exist even now, is not to start producing oil shale commercially on a large scale, it is still more expensive than traditional fossil fuels, and more harmful to the environment, but with the decline in crude oil and the high price of resources, oil shale - will become, especially in the light of Shell plan - The next target is undoubtedly, in the period in which the world was suffering from a major oil crisis in the seventies of the last century, ordered the administration of President "Jimmy Carter" financed oil shale research, but when oil prices returned to fall again, diminished supplies that are devoted to the research of fuel unconventional, but with the return of oil prices to rise again, the oil shale will return to be a magnet again

What is the oil drums?

Barrel is a unit of the US measure of the amount of oil total quantity of 159 liters or 42 gallons, is worth mentioning that the barrel of any other means of non-oil estimated at 35 gallons only, unlike common are no longer used the barrels to store oil that is pumped through the pipes to the huge tanks, and then to oil tankers tanks that are discharged in the consuming countries in large tanks.

The reason for the prevalence of the use of drums is that when oil was discovered in commercial quantities in northwestern Pennsylvania is stored in casks of wine and beer to facilitate the process of being transferred to the horse-drawn carriages or on the river phrases.

What oil derivatives

When we hear the word of oil first thing that comes to mind of the Arab Gulf states, where there is the oil in abundance and is considered the primary source of income for these countries, where they are mined from the earth in the form of raw materials by drilling oil wells to extract it from the upper layer of the earth, and the so-called oil Black Gold, a crude oil or liquid dense color dark brown or brown tends to green flammable, a complex composition mixture consists of the so-called Balheidrokrburat and is an important source of energy of all kinds, especially electrical energy by burning it for power generation.
Oil or petroleum as it is sometimes called enters the makers of many chemical products such as plastic tools, pesticides, fertilizers, rayon, plastics and industrial fabrics and leather.
♦ oil types according to the classification and the US Environmental Protection Agency:
Oil is divided into the categories of oils based on the risk and the possibility of cleaned, namely:
The first category: light oils, so characterized their transparency and quick ignition and float above the water as well as the usability of evaporation and features toxicity include types of oil is high quality.
Category II: heavy oils have Alaltsaq property, the color brown or black as it is unsinkable and the danger they may stick to fish, animals and birds, which may cause poisoning.
Category III: oils non-adhesion, where the float on the surface of the water and be in the form of wax and hard to attach to the soil or birds and animals, and the degree of toxicity less and can be disposed of by washing with water.
The fourth category: liquid oils and are non-toxic color with dark brown or black and thermoplastic melt, leading to difficulty cleaned and include heavy oil types.
♦ oil derivatives:
The oil is extracted after derivatives in dedicated places be refined by heating and distillation and separation of gases and these derivatives as follows:
Liquid which is extracted from propane and butane, which is used in heating and cooking processes, and mixes with fuel cars.
Light including: extracted from gasoline, which uses a fuel for cars.
Candidate him: and extracted from the heating oil and jet kerosene and diesel.
Excess thereof: and extracted from the industrial fuel oil, coal and tar, sulfur, and is used in the bunker and the paving of roads and chemical industry

Petroleum Between diversity and multiplicity of uses names

Every consumer in the world knows precisely the type of fuel it needs in their daily lives, whether it be a car or heating or lighting or otherwise .. every consumer asks needs of the gas station with the correct name spontaneously does not need to bother thinking. But what if the consumer asked for the fuel required by the difference between him and the other type of fuel properties? And more than that, what if we asked him about the many names that have more than one of them sometimes refers to the same type of fuel, and sometimes despite the great similarities between several names, both of which refers to the various oil derivative?
The convoy team, depending on the research conducted by Almhendsamagd Qasim, a member of the Arab Association of Science Journalists, here deals with the most crude oil derivatives, and more specifically these derivatives commonly used in daily life, namely the various types of fuel, and what distinguishes them from each other.
Although the man known petroleum (oil and natural gas) for nearly six thousand years, the many oil derivatives that we use in our daily lives is the result of relatively recent refining industry, dating its beginnings to the second half of the nineteenth century.
If we stop for a moment in front of crude oil, we will find ourselves in front of a number of words that everyone knows without a known fact that many of the intended respective specifically.
The word oil is equivalent to the word Arab Petroleum (English and French), derived from the Latin language «Petra Oleum» literally means originally «oil shale». We say in the original, because the word Petroleum became certified to refer to oil and natural gas together. When the talk is liquid oil alone use the word «oil» only, while the gas is called «natural gas». And by extension, to point out that there are two types of natural gas are extracted from natural gas and oil reservoirs called «associated gas», and natural gas extracted away from the reservoirs of oil and so-called «non-associated gas».
With natural gas constitutes the primary feedstock for the petrochemical industry giant that continues to grow and evolve day after day, has been dealt «caravan» previously expanded research, we will stop in comes in front of oil derivatives that we deal with every day, and only many of us know derivative they need without explore the Name The difference between him and another derivative.
The chemical composition
Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of different molecules, and the greatest proportion of it, a hydrocarbons combine with other elements like sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and a few varying degrees.
And hydrocarbons, is a very large range of vehicles, suffice here mention the most important names, to avoid viscous reader in a maze of different and complex chemical compositions:
1 - paraffins Paraffins
2 - naphthenes Naphthenes
3 - Olefins Olefins
4 - Alositilanaat Acetylenics
5 - aromatic or aromatic compounds Aromatics
6 - sulfur compounds
7 - nitrogen compounds and compounds Alooxeginah mineral impurities
8 - asphalt and Alasvlten
Types of crude oil
Although the crude oil consists mainly of a collection of hydrocarbons, but the proportions of these compounds vary according to the source. Crude oil is rich in saturated paraffin compounds may be rich compounds Alinvtinih. This in turn will impact on the appearance of oil and cohesion in general, where the form of liquids Rjrajh Mobile brown tends to yellowish, or black viscous liquids and semi-solid.
And control the nature of the crude oil in products that can be obtained from the type. Crude Valzi Alinvtini be suitable for the production of asphalt, while crude oil Paraffinic shall be suitable for the production of wax, and so on for the production of lubricating oils which can be obtained from crude oil Alinvtini Otari. But the development of methods of refining, led to overcome these chemical problem, so that it is possible to deal with all types of oil and production of various derivatives.
Accordingly, it is in the habit of crude oil classified into three categories depending on the components of hydrocarbons, namely:
1 - paraffinic oil origin.
2 - Oil Nftini origin.
3 - Mixed origin oil, which is made up of ex-types with a pedigree of aromatic compounds and paraffin wax and asphalt materials.
Crude oil refining
The oil industry has developed significantly with increasing global needs of this article precious, was centered in the beginning, that is, during the period between 1860 and 1890, to get kerosene (Kerosene), as seen in those derived most important period, which was used for lighting, heating and cooking.
The aim of the oil refining process, the separation of the desired components of the mix and turn them into products suitable for consumption within specific specifications.
And oil refining scientifically means cracking of crude oil to the original components and its fractions and rearranged to form new compounds, and the basis for this industry distillation, based on the difference in the boiling points of these compounds, and are conducting this process in a piecemeal Towers private.
It includes oil refining on the three main operations are:
1 - physical processes (Chapter).
2 - chemical processes (conversion).
3 - processors and purification.
And include separation process, conducting operations in the fractional distillation towers within more than one stage, where they are separated with a low boiling degrees lighter vehicles, from the top of the tower while the heavier vehicles Vtfsal from the bottom of the tower.
There are various types of distillation towers, where the primary distillation towers be under normal atmospheric pressure, or distillation towers rarefied working under pressure to reduce the boiling point of some vehicles.
Increasing global demand for oil derivatives to make fundamental changes in distillation and treatment systems have resulted. Instead of the previously used system, which depends on the heating specific amount of crude oil and distilled and then condensing it, was the use of continuous fractional distillation systems, also developed towers special units to separate each oil producer on the unit, where they are getting the volatiles from the top of the tower and left at the bottom materials Heavy Kalasfelt. Water vapor is also used for the separation of the most volatile compounds to avoid smashing some chemical compounds because of the high temperatures in the distillation tower, also used the vacuum distillation system. And other various crushing systems.
These techniques and chemical processes that have been developed, and accompanied by significant developments in the industry «fractional distillation column», which is a huge steel cylinder, installed in the inside trays Trays, and gather the liquid condensed on those trays and sliding across the tube to the next Chinese. Those trays and contain a large number of holes which mounts them next steam from the lower trays, and rises above each hole short tube and cover Cap so steam rushes through the cracks slots in the vicinity of the cover to the inside of a liquid that contain Chinese.
Thus, the process of evaporation and condensation occur Aharareeten and collect on each tray of boiling compounds degrees lower than those collected on Chinese vehicles that followed at the bottom, then the product is withdrawn within a similar level of retail column.
The most important derivatives of crude oil refining
Petroleum products, are chemical compounds that have resulted from the crude oil refining process, which is the primary objective of the whole process within the refining and purification stages of separation and refinement of various extraction.
There are various methods of classification of petroleum products, it is classified by object of use, such as an energy source of dynamic, or a source of thermal energy, or products of other industrial processes, has been classified by the specific color and weight.
But the rating methodology and the most widely accepted in the scientific community, based on the boiling primary and final grades, has been ranked the most important Accordingly oil derivatives as follows:
1 - liquefied petroleum gases
L.P.G) Liquefied Petroleum Gases)
It is a mixture of propane and butane, and the degree of Gleanama less than 20 ° C, which can be converted into a liquid under high pressure, and used as fuel in the home, and as a source of energy in some factories, and as fuel for the engines of some cars and buses.
2 - motor fuel (gasoline) Gasoline
In addition to the name «Gasoline» English origin, adopted in the US markets and a lot of international markets, the Commonwealth launches on motor fuel Name «Petroleum» since 1892, noting that this name had appeared before it to indicate the oil is refined. Other names for the same derivative, «Gasoline» relative to the chemical compound «Benzene», and not, as some sources claim attributed to Bertha Benz, which was used as fuel in the vanguard trip by car in 1888.
And gasoline, which is the first day of the approved fuel in cars in most countries of the world, was sold at the beginning of production in the nineteenth century in a small medicine bottles eliminates lice and their eggs, and then as a solvent and cleaner clothes.
It is a mixture of hydrocarbons, and be rich regular chained and branched compounds aromatic aromatic, this mixture contains a number of sub-derivatives with different uses, the initial Valjasulan Straight run gasoline is lighter liquid petroleum products, and a boiling point of between 25 and 40 ° C, and is called in Europe on behalf of naphtha Naphta.
The subject of gasoline a large number of chemical treatments in refineries in order to become a fuel suitable for cars normal both types (octane 83-90) and excellent (octane 95-100), or as fuel for aircraft and helicopters, as used in the preparation of some types of fuel for civilian and military jet aircraft in production some industrial solvents.
3 - Kerosene Kerosene
Kerosene known since ancient times. The pioneers Kmstq extracted from crude oil, the Muslim world, Al-Razi, which he called «white oil» in his book known as the «Book of Secrets». But since the nineteenth century only, kerosene has become one of the most common major oil derivatives use.
In the year 1854, has been registered name «kerosene» as the name brand in America, and has been one American company a monopoly on the right to use that name for several years, to be popularized globally on everyone's lips.
In addition to the name of kerosene or kerosene, the product itself is called «paraffin» or «paraffin oil» in both the United Kingdom and South-East Asia and South Africa.
The kerosene and one of the most important refinery products, and is located within the range of thermal ranges from 150 to 250 ° C, and contains a number of paraffins and Nafetinat, and used as fuel for domestic cooking and heating, and is chairman of the jet fuel component, also enters in some industrial solvents industry and solvents diluted in paints Thinner which is a large group of chemical compounds that are blended with some varying degrees of ease viscosity.
4 - jet fuel
This type of fuel is known as jet fuel (kerosene) Jet Kerosene, used to run a turbine engines that operate continuously, unlike the internal combustion-engined cars. And taken into account when preparing jet fuel a large number of job specifications, for reasons of safety and security, drop by the flash must not be less than 38 ° C, and the degree of freezing of 50 degrees Celsius below zero, so that it stays liquid in cold regions and in the upper atmosphere.
Must also be this type of fuel should not contain moisture (water), as it should be homogeneous and stable in composition Thi heat content is high, so it is limited to the extent of distilled between 160 and 240 ° C, and the proportion of aromatic substances which exceed a certain limit.
And called on jet fuel civil shortcut JP1 while called jet fuel military JP4, because it is characterized by the extent of the distillation of broad ranges between 50 and 240 ° C, and a larger proportion aromatic substances, and the proportion of sulfur materials up to 0.4%, and the degree of freezing about 65 ° C under zero.
5 - diesel or diesel Diesel or Solar
Diesel is a globally common type of fuel is less than the viability of gasoline inflammable and explosive viability name. That is why it depends mainly on military vehicles and trucks, as well as some cars, home heating and the like. Due Diesel name to the name of the German inventor Rudolf Diesel, who invented the 1892 engine factor this specific type of fuel.
In the Levant, and some countries of the Maghreb used the word «diesel» to refer to diesel, a French label, it is rare to come mentioned in the scientific literature.
It contains diesel or gasoline or diesel fuel to paraffins also contains Nafetinat and some aromatic mono and dual-loop, and the sulfur compounds and compounds nitrogen, are obtained diesel within Qatfa at temperatures ranging from 250 to 350 ° C, and features a turquoise pale yellow transparent, and uses this type of fuel for heavy machinery products, but some car engines.
And measured the ability of diesel combustion, including so-called «cetane number» (Cetane Number), and the higher the cetane number whenever fuel combustion a good performance, that is, it can start the ignition at low temperatures. Should this type of fuel possess a degree of suitable viscosity and contains a certain percentage of sulfur, as an increase in this component in the fuel leads to the erosion of the engine in a relatively short time.
6 - Fuel Oil (Fuel Oil)
This type of fuel is used widely in the industry. Place of coal has been resolved since the beginning of the twentieth century, where he is currently being used for the operation of thermal power plants, and in heavy industries such as mining and manufacturing cement and glass industry to secure the thermal energy needed to operate it.
It is obtained from the distillation tower after diesel directly, and a boiling point ranged between 300 and 350 degrees Celsius. Known as heavy fuel Oil Heavy Fuel Oil, while fuel name called Light Oil Light Fuel Oil residue left after the distillation of kerosene, which at 230 ° C.
7 - oils (Lubricating Oils)
One of the outputs of the vacuum distillation process, and varies over a boiling point between 350 and 500 degrees Celsius, Within the extent of 350 to 400 ° C are classified oils on it lightly, and within the range of 400 to 450 degrees Celsius classified oils as a medium, and heavy oils shall be over the boiling point of 450 to 500 ° C, and this multi-Alktefat, comprising a mixture of oils and waxes and asphalt.
8 - bitumen (asphalt) (Asphalt)
Article remaining in the bottom of the vacuum distillation tower, called by some tar name, which is extracted bitumen or asphalt him, a mixture of high viscosity chemical compounds, color black, which is heavier petroleum products and the highest in the boiling point.
It contains bitumen on the varying proportions of sulfur and some heavy metals, and is used in paving roads, and the isolation of roofs, as previously used in the manufacture of catapult incendiary shells, which were ignited and thrown at enemies.
Finally, we note that we stopped in this area, set in front of us, at the main oil derivatives, which can be a source of wonder about what they are in the consumer's mind. But all of the above is the point in a sea of ​​oil or crude oil derivatives (Zeta and gas). Because there is a derivative of these derivatives includes dozens of products that we consume in our daily lives, this number will double to hundreds maybe, when we add natural gas derivatives and derivatives of derivatives to include a long list: paints, solvents of all kinds, plastics, glues, fabrics, drugs, perfumes, synthetic rubber .. and much more, making it impossible confined, and add a new to him every day.

Multiple types of crude oils

Play multiple types of crude oils and the more than more than 100 kinds according to the types of oils guide issued by Petroleum Intelligence Ontagans Petroleum Corporation annually. To stand up to these species, and how to classify, and where it stands Arab oils them, we'll show the following: (1) classification of crude oils based on a hydrocarbon source is divided fossil energy sources Fossil Fuel to the following three items:  gas: a natural gas.  Questioner: It includes two groups: traditional oils group, which consists of associated gas, crude oil, and heavy oil. o non-conventional oils group, made up of very heavy oil (or bitumen Bitumen) extracted from tar sands Sand Tar.  Steel: includes coal Coal, Oil Shale Shale Oil (2) Classification on the basis of the degree of density API classifies crude oils as a measure depends on the degree of intensity, according to the standard set by the American Petroleum Institute (American Petroleum Institute- API) in the form of light, medium main groups and heavy. Classification of hand may differ to the other, while classified as heavy oils in some European countries within the domain 20 - 10 API OPEC countries classified as all oils that degree of intensity for less than 32 .API The classification of oils on the basis of density is a mirror of the content of the oil from the high petroleum products value. The higher density of oil rose to a standard API, light products were higher, while increasing the proportion of heavy products and reduced the proportion of light products, the lower the density. It also has added another set of oils to measure density, called the name of a very light oils, with equal intensity 50̊ API or more (such as oil is very light-Arab - Arab super light), which is produced in Saudi Arabia. (3) classification on the basis of density and sulfur content, and some studies suggest that the greater the degree API oil rose density decreases the content of sulfur compounds. Although the nature of the relationship between the density API and sulfur content varies from one geographical area to another, it does not exist in the world crudes high density API (above the light), and at the same time a high sulfur content, while no return, but relatively few, crudes low-density and low sulfur content at the same time. For example, the sulfur content of the Arab light crude oil is 1.78%, and light Iranian 1.5%, while the sulfur content of light oil Bonnie Nigerian 0.14% light of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani 1.16%; this added to some sources, is another factor to measure the density of an indication of the qualitative characteristics, is the sulfur content of crudes level . In the Arab region's markets crude oils are classified as follows: Arabic  light Excellent Arab Supper Light (higher than 40 API)  Arabic very mild Arab Extra Light (40 - 36 API)  Arabic mild Arab Light (36 - 32 API)  Arabic average Arab Medium (32 - 29 API)  Arabic heavy Arab Heavy (less than 29 API) and with the passage of time labels on certain types launched, has become familiar in the world oil markets, such as the Saudi Arabian light crude oil (34.0 API), and oil Iraqi Basra Light (33.7 API), and Iranian Oil light (33.1 API), and Nigerian Bonny Light oil (35.4 API), and Tiajuana light Venezuelan (31.9 API), and light-Azerbaijani Azeri oil (35.1 API) Saudi Arab and Mediterranean oil (31.8 API). Saudi Arabian and heavy oil (28.7 API), Iranian and heavy oil (30.2 API), and Venezuelan heavy oil Tiajuana (11.0 API). (4) the types of crude oils in the member countries of the Organization of OAPEC * characterized the bulk of the production of crude oils in the member countries of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) of medium density species, and high sulfur content (acidic). Member countries on the production has been distributed as follows: 61.4% of the average density type and 36.7% of the type of light and 1.8% of the sweatshirt. As for the distribution of production by sulfur content was acidic crude oil form (which increases the content of sulfur for - or Isawi- 1%) percentage of 74.2%, and then came in second place, sweet oil (less than 0.5% sulfur) by 18.7%, and finally the medium quality acidity (Up / or equal to 0.5% and less than 1%) by 7.1%. As for the types of crude oils produced distribution in member countries has been the most part - the product in the Middle East - from medium quality acidic, reaching ratio to 82% in Saudi Arabia, and 97.6% in Kuwait, and 100% in the Kingdom of Bahrain and 100% in the Republic of Iraq and 52% in the United Arab Emirates, and 82% in the Arab Republic of Egypt. As for the countries of the members of the North Africa, the bulk of the production is the kind of light and sweet, where those types accounted for 100% of the production ratio of Algeria, and 95% of the production of Libya. While Tunisia produces small amounts of acid type. This varies the production of member countries in terms of the degree of intensity, some of which form the light oils full production, such as Algeria, some of which form the medium / heavy oils full production, such as Kuwait, while there are other countries produce the types and different rates, such as Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and other Arab countries oil producers, such as Oman and Yemen, constitute the acidic medium quality ratio majority of its production. While Sudan constitutes the entire production of medium density oil sweet. (5) the future prospects for the production of crude oils in member countries prospective studies indicate that the source of the bulk of any future increase in the production of heavy oils and acid will be from member countries with high reserves, particularly Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and the UAE, which are heavy quality and medium / acid ratio of 78.3% of the total current production. In spite of the new discoveries announced between now and then of light oils in some countries in the region, but it is still limited compared to their ever-growing medium / acid oils. According to the theorists of energy is expected to be the future demand is increasing the types of crude oils and light sweet at a higher rate of heavy types of acid, which will lead to a rise in the price difference between the two species, due to the increasing growth in global demand for derivatives Cleaner rate, as well as most of the world's refineries are designed to refining Light, sweet crudes, due to the ease of refining and contain a higher proportion of light desired derivatives in global markets. In spite of the presence of significant investment projects in the refining industry to refine heavy and acid oils, but most of them need to be a long period of time until production begins, more than five years, which demand will strengthen in this period oils light sweet that do not need their products to address the hydrogen operations deep, and thus will decrease the demand for heavy oils. We conclude from the above that with member countries in OAPEC many catalysts for refining heavy and medium crudes acid through the development of existing refineries in or create new refineries, and most important of these stimuli as follows:  availability of heavy crude oils locally in most member countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria).  take advantage of the high price differential between heavy and light oils in global markets, and export of light instead of refined locally.  meet the growing demand for petroleum products and light, and at the same time reduced demand for heavy derivatives, as oil fuel, since the establishment of units to improve the distillation residue characteristics contribute to the production of these derivatives with high quality specifications.  provide advanced technologies enable this difficult refining oils in a way that could lead to the high profitability of the refineries. * Note countries and the Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting founded (OAPEC) in 1968 in the State of Kuwait, and includes in its membership the day 10 countries, including oil countries and (gas) giant - as is the case in most of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as well as less important countries (Syria) . The following Member States, respectively: all of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya and Egypt. Disclaimer: The reader can expand in the folds of Thread by standing on the following references: • Dr. Ahmed Hussein al-Hiti, Introduction to the oil economy, the house model for printing and publishing, Beirut, 2011. • Journal of Oil and Arab Cooperation, patrol Court issued by the General Secretariat of the Organization of Arab countries Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), various issues. -

What are the countries that have 345 billion barrels of shale oil can be extracted?

US Energy Information Administration estimates that the world has 345 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil technically concentrated in ten countries beside the 7.3 quadrillion cubic feet of shale gas, according to 2013 data.
Russia, Australia, China, Argentina and Mexico, as well as one of the richest countries in terms of the availability of these reserves, is seeking to activate the hydraulic fracturing technology employed by American companies to take advantage of this type of oil on a commercial scale.
At a time when many countries to explore the possibility of the availability of this type of oil and the potential for extraction began, remains the impact of falling oil prices negatively on the feasibility of production.
It is noteworthy that "OPEC" data for the year 2013 show that the proven crude oil reserves of 1489 billion barrels, the world, and that 81% of them to return to countries of the Organization.
Remarkably, the amount he is talking about the report higher by about 45 billion barrels, which has Venezuela alone, but the question now is: With increasing technological advances km from the expected rise in the amount of oil shale extraction and hopefully over the crowd out traditional oil markets?


Estimates of shale oil: 75 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: 285 trillion cubic feet

2-United States

Estimates of shale oil: 58 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: 665 trillion cubic feet


Estimates of shale oil: 32 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: 1,115 trillion cubic feet


Estimates of shale oil: 27 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: 802 trillion cubic feet


Estimates of shale oil: 26 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: Not available


Estimates of shale oil: 18 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: 437 trillion cubic feet


Estimates of shale oil: 13 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: Not available


Estimates of shale oil: 13 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: 545 trillion cubic feet


Estimates of shale oil: 9 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: Not available


Estimates of shale oil: 9 billion barrels

Shale gas estimates: 573 trillion cubic feet

Oil Platform

Oil platform oil platform, or coastal podium and called the error sometimes oil lever, are building huge facilities contain drilling, extraction and processing of oil and natural gas, and for the temporary storage of the product until it is plugged, venue of the refining and marketing operations for the beach. In many cases, pallets contain facilities for housing workers.

According to needs, fixed platforms may be in the bottom of the ocean, or consist of artificial islands group, or can be floating.

It can also be connected to the wells submerged platform by floating lines and umbilical connections; those wells were submerged consist of single or center wells branched from multiple wells.
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